GroPoint Soil Moisture Sensing
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Growing Innovation.

Innovation in soil moisture monitoring technologies.

With thousands of soil sensors in use in over 100 countries around the world; the GroPoint brand is known for high accuracy, extreme durability and an exceptional price:performance ratio. GroPoint soil moisture sensors are deployed in scientific research, farming, agriculture and irrigation management, mining, climate monitoring, hydrology and multiple other industrial applications.

Check out our catalog to learn more!

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The only soil moisture probe to give a true soil moisture profile by continuously measuring the volumetric water content at multiple depths while also measuring the soil temperature.

Analog or digital soil moisture and soil temperature sensor. Exceptional accuracy and fully-potted electronics for long-term durability.

An all-in-one soil moisture sensor that also measures soil temperature, salinity (electrical conductivity), and wetting front.

Our rugged and dependable analog soil moisture sensor

Who Uses GroPoint?

GroPoint soil sensors and data loggers provide the information necessary to use precise irrigation methods. After implementation, our customers typically report:

  • Water savings of up to 20%

  • Increased crop yield of 20% to 57%

A major market segment for us is agriculture. Our agricultural customers worldwide use GroPoint soil sensors and data loggers to establish and maintain precise irrigation to increase crop yield and quality, decrease fertilizer use, and reduce leaching, erosion and production costs overall. High-value crops like grapes, avocados, tree fruits and citrus, cranberries, asparagus, peppers, tomatoes and more have the most potential to benefit from optimizing moisture penetration through the root zone.

Because GroPoint soil moisture sensors provide scientific-grade accuracy at a very affordable cost, there’s no reason to not employ soil moisture monitoring for every agricultural and silvicultural application. Our soil sensorsloggers and wireless communication solutions can be deployed easily without special training or equipment, and in a large variety of soils without special calibration.


What Our Customers Are Saying


 Other applications for soil moisture monitoring:

Archeology ● Dust Control ● Mesonets and Weather Station Networks ● Phytoremediation ● Soil Carbon Sequestration Studies ● Watershed Hydrology Studies ● Wetland Delineation Indicators ● Satellite Ground Truthing ● Cannabis Cultivation

We innovate to deliver more value from our sensors.

Introducing the GroPoint Profile

TDT5: GroPoint's patented technique for soil moisture measurement

  • scientific-grade accuracy and consistency of measurements

  • simpler construction—more robust

  • less expensive to manufacture—better value

GroPoint™ soil moisture sensors utilize the field-proven Time Domain Transmission (TDT) method of reliably measuring soil moisture, which is a refined version of the Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) technique. TDT-based sensors do not need to be calibrated to each type of soil they will be buried in.

Our proprietary TDT5 technology further enhances TDT in five key ways:

  1. Measures with a patented antenna woven into the full length of the internal circuitry – reduces the impact of noise to achieve a high accuracy and averages measurements across the entire length of the probe 

  2. Averages 400,000 samples for each measurement – boosts accuracy to ±1% and repeatability to < 0.2%

  3. Captures measurement in less than 100ms – reduces power consumption

  4. Embeds antenna and circuitry on a single board – dramatically reduces cost to manufacture

  5. Encases entire sensor in a durable, sealed engineered resin housing – maximizes durability
